Our intertwined path


Signing of the first contract between CIAT and Papalotla for the scientific development and commercialization of hybrid pastures (2000-2010).

Signing of the first contract between CIAT and Papalotla for the scientific development and commercialization of hybrid pastures (2000-2010).
The most normal thing is for companies to do their improvement, production and commercialization of that seed. When there is a breeding program that becomes independent, as is the case in most programs of public bodies, then it is very difficult to find that partner who wants to take a germplasm and commercialize it when they did not develop it. So I think that a strength and a very special characteristic of this link between CIAT and Papalotla is that, that we work together from the start, from the development of the product, from imagining the product to the commercialization. For a breeding program, the main objective is for a producer to sow what is developed, to be used. So I believe the time we have to work together, despite the changes and the twists and turns and everything, that bond has been able to be maintained over time. Thanks to trust (CIAT Interview).


Launch of the first hybrid: Mulato I.

Launch of the first hybrid: Mulato I.
Mulato I was an agronomically very good material that was well accepted by people, but it was completely a commercial failure, because neither party thought about seed production, which is key to economic viability (Papalotla Group Interview).


Creation of CIPAT (Tropical Pasture Research Center) in Oaxaca (Mexico) by the Papalotla Group, a place to carry out tests with hybrids developed by CIAT.

Creation of CIPAT (Tropical Pasture Research Center) in Oaxaca (Mexico) by the Papalotla Group, a place to carry out tests with hybrids developed by CIAT.
When in 2000 we were looking for the place to start this testing center, we took a tour with Dr. John Miles and, mistakenly, we showed him beautiful places, both this and the other. So when we came in, he said “here it's going to be”. And why? And he said that, because if grass hit here, it would hit anywhere in the world. Previously, these here were old peanut production sites, but I didn't give them anything anymore, it was pure sand. And at the beginning, the soil analysis was done and it had 0.05% of organic matter. That is, nothing, it was solid sand. Then we started to let out a little bit of weed, we started to drag it out, to incorporate it and that's where it was composed; it was already 1.8 in organic form and that's where we continued to incorporate it. Here, all the hybrids developed by CIAT and offered for sale by Papalotla have been tested (Papalotla Interview).


Mulato II release.

Mulato II release.
The director of research at that time was Dr. Esteban Pizarro, who brought the CIAT theme line. The first seed we evaluated, which was a success, was Mulato II and it gave us more than one ton per hectare. So we did a presentation here and they all came and showed the preliminary results. And everyone said “this can't be true”. When we count and weigh that, the Doctor jumps up, says “how? It can't be, we have to do it again.” The second repetition, the third repetition, almost the same, very homogeneous. It was confirmed that the potential of Mulato II and that opened the doors (Papalotla Interview).


Creation of Speed Germ technology by the Papalotla Group.

Creation of Speed Germ technology by the Papalotla Group.
The seed has two types of dormancy: physical dormancy and physiological dormancy. The Speed Germ will help us to reduce this dormancy, which is the time when the seed is suitable for germination (which can be depending on the type of variety, 6 months, 8 months, a year), that no matter if the seed was harvested yesterday or last week, it undergoes this process and helps the seed to wake up and germinate as soon as possible. It is Papalotla Group's patented technology. (Papalotla Interview)


Grupo Papalotla creates embedding technology. It is created primarily to protect seeds against piracy.

Grupo Papalotla creates embedding technology. It is created primarily to protect seeds against piracy.
To the producer, at least here in Latin America, they have always wanted to sell the idea that improving livestock is based on buying better animals: they look for a beautiful stallion and start crossing it. The problem is that they keep feeding him the same thing, they don't think about the quality of the pastures they give to their cows. So, if you don't feed them well, how are they going to express their genetic potential? (Papalotla Interview).


Cayman release (hybrid with waterlogging tolerance).

Cayman release (hybrid with waterlogging tolerance).
Our materials, our hybrids, must be accompanied by a technological package. The important thing is that these new pasture technologies are accompanied by technical assistance, because it's no use for me to tell you look here is the Mulato, here is Camello, Cayman, and you grab and handle it as if it were a common grass, you put the cattle in it and that's it. No, this requires management, so that hybrid, that technology, must also be accompanied by technical assistance (Papalotla Interview).


Launch of Cobra (specialized hybrid for cutting and hauling systems).

Launch of Cobra (specialized hybrid for cutting and hauling systems).
I think what we are most looking for is to be able to develop hybrids that can provide more complete solutions to producers. For this reason, we are trying to approach genetic improvement from different sides; that is, a hybrid that is resistant or resilient to environmental variations, but that at the same time can have characteristics that a producer knows is collaborating in the mitigation of climate change. In some countries, it will be possible for this collaboration to have an economic return, for example, carbon credits or something like that, and then also think about how communities are impacted from the social side: what are you going to provide to that producer who incorporates this technology? What additional benefits will you have for your personal well-being or that of your family group? (CIAT Interview)


Grupo Papalotla wins the National Award for Technology and Innovation, awarded by the Government of Mexico. In 2017, they also won the National Export Award.

Grupo Papalotla wins the National Award for Technology and Innovation, awarded by the Government of Mexico. In 2017, they also won the National Export Award.
CIAT provides and we begin to assess whether the differentiating characteristics are of interest to us. And we can receive batches of 100, 200, 700 species. If a promissory note comes out, go ahead. And we began to notice the years, because how much does CIAT invest in developing genetics? Once we have the first grams of seed, we start with 5 grams, 3 grams, 10 seeds... there we started with that work to produce 10 seeds, 100 and for the other cycle, 1000 and 1000 to the first kilo. We began to count and make evaluations, the plantations of the pots to move to the field part and evaluate a field of 12 by 2 meters, 4 square meters. To know if it's viable or not; we have those 4 square meters for at least 3 years, to see if those essential characteristics last over time and then to say, you know what? Maybe, let's try it. And then we sent it to universities to do these evaluations until we had half a kilo of seed and there we sent it to field production. After 7 years of effort, you have half a kilo of seed to make it grow. Half a kilo of seed is enough for 1000 square meters in the field and from there, the basic seed collection. Then the first 5 hectares in the second year and of those 5, start generating seeds to set up a production field of 50. And of those 50, generate a stock by then you can have a commercial product. It would be 8-9 years before we could have enough material to release a commercial product. (Papalotla Interview)


Grupo Papalotla creates the Evolution Seed technology (complementary to the embedding technology, since it adds insecticide, fungicide and greater moisture retention capacity).

Grupo Papalotla creates the Evolution Seed technology (complementary to the embedding technology, since it adds insecticide, fungicide and greater moisture retention capacity).
Producers, when they plant our pastures, produce more meat and milk, and bear a greater animal burden. They are not the cheapest on the market. But people prefer to invest more for their paddock establishment, because they will see it translated into profitability in a short time. Now, our commercial purities are 99%, not just anyone can offer you that. What is the planting recommendation for establishing these low-purity generic pastures? Sow 20 kg per hectare. We recommend 8 kg, because we know the purity of our materials.


Camello release (drought-tolerant hybrid).

Camello release (drought-tolerant hybrid).
The future is going to be water. The three improvement programs we currently have should revolve around this. In the most efficient use of water and also tolerance to waterlogging. But, perhaps more important, is the efficient use of that water resource. I believe that in the future everything should revolve around the efficient use of water, obviously without neglecting characteristics of nutritional quality and biomass production (CIAT Interview).


New contract between CIAT and Grupo Papalotla (2018-2038).

New contract between CIAT and Grupo Papalotla (2018-2038).
In plant breeding, the feeling of both parties, both in research and in marketing, is that, if you don't do it in the long term, don't do it (CIAT Interview).


Grupo Papalotla launches the line of Blends, in which hybrids developed by CIAT (such as Camello and Cayman, are mixed with other varieties of pastures).

Grupo Papalotla launches the line of Blends, in which hybrids developed by CIAT (such as Camello and Cayman, are mixed with other varieties of pastures).
Papalotla must be greatly applauded here, because CIAT, without them, would only have generated scientific material and bibliography. Papalotla have an economic interest, but they have succeeded in disseminating the materials developed by CIAT. They win as a company, we win as a research institution, and producers benefit. If Papalotla comes to you as a producer, then the producer will think that his only interest is to sell a seed. But if the company goes in to demonstrate, hand in hand with CIAT, the research and extension work, the impact will be much greater (Papalotla Interview).


Near future

Well, I believe that the future between Papalotla and CIAT is infinite. We have always had as our vision the benefit of the producer. In the end, I think that's one of the goals: to make them more efficient and profitable and always with respect for the environment, the environment.

Papalotla Interview

We are now evolving into how we are going to measure and our contribution to reversing damage to the environment. It is a work that we are doing hand in hand with CIAT, how our pastures help to sequester carbon. So it's that contribution that we would have as a company to address and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Papalotla Interview
“Sometimes that's more satisfying for me, personally, than the economic question. That you suddenly meet someone on the street or in a place and there they greet you, you don't even know who they are, but they tell you that one day you recommended your pastures and it works for them. That gives you a lot of satisfaction. It is part, I think, of why we have made a lot of synergy between Papalotla and CIAT, we see ourselves practically as a family, because our fundamental goal is the benefit of the community and we have to transcend and leave something of an impression also on people and in the countryside”
“The sales network is always supported. Above all, from the municipality, in its type of land, all the characteristics of the land where it is going to be planted. Better material is recommended to them and they are accompanied. Our sales network and technical advice are essential. It's accompanying him. Until what? Until the customer is satisfied”
Inicios de Papalotla
“How did all this start? One of the founders of Papalotla visits Brazil and they always say this from the commercial area: “this company was born of love, of a love story”. Because this person falls in love with a Brazilian girl, maintains a relationship with her family and they begin importing grass seeds into Mexico. And he, too, always said that he had the dream of returning improved pastures to Africa, because these pastures originated there. Well, in that small intention of the year 1992, it now counts us as the main producer of Brachiaras seeds”
Importancia de los desarrollos tecnológicos entre las dos empresas
“Pastures with digestibility, with good quality, tell you about the impact: you can earn 700 grams per day per animal and at the same time you can reduce up to 55% of methane emissions produced by a cow. And that's because he has less time to ruminate and more time to eat. The digestibility aspect of developed pastures is incredible potential”
Importancia de los desarrollos tecnológicos entre las dos empresas
“The biggest impact that has been achieved is a more efficient use of land. All these hybrids that have been released, regardless of whether they are for a dry, humid environment, or shade, have allowed an increase in the number of heads per unit of area. If in the past it was possible to have one cow per hectare, with some of these hybrids it has been possible to obtain four cows per hectare. So that has made it possible to optimize livestock farming, making better use of the land. And the idea itself is that livestock farming will be concentrated in a smaller area and the other area will be available for other crops, or for generating forests. This has perhaps been the biggest impact that, if all the technology that comes with the hybrid is adopted, it is possible to increase the number of head units per hectare and thus it is possible to optimize livestock systems”
Importancia de los desarrollos tecnológicos entre las dos empresas
“For an institution, such as the Bioversity & CIAT Alliance and the CGIAR, the financial side should never be the primary motivation to enter into a relationship with a private sector. This is not our mission and it is not our vision. I think it's very important to keep this very clear and this also means that you are not in a relationship with a trading company that only offers money. Never, never, never. There must be a beneficial relationship for both of us, but for the CGIAR this aspect of the impacts on producers and of having the social and environmental aspects very present is very important. I think that's one of the successes of our relationship with Papalotla.”
“What people don't see is that fodder is the carpet of the world. When you stop planting cane or potato or any crop, what comes out there? Pastures”
Importancia de los desarrollos tecnológicos entre las dos empresas
“Our vision: we want to consolidate ourselves as the international leader in improving the production and distribution of improved pasture varieties, whose effectiveness, in facilitating the establishment of highly profitable meat and milk production systems around the world, has been proven. Well, you, CIAT, are part of that vision”
“The seed is a living being that breathes”
“When I finished college in 1982, everyone wanted to go to CIAT, that was the best thing in the whole world. Life would give me, after 20 years, the privilege of, not just knowing CIAT, but of being part of the CIAT project, because the impact it has had on livestock in the tropics is immense, because this has really boosted the production of meat and milk”
Inicios de Papalotla
“We were born with a dream to bring technology to marginal areas of the world and to see these small producers benefiting from the technology transfer that we bring to them. Nor are we going to limit ourselves to the fact that they are only small producers, we also have businesses with large producers. But our main function is that: to be a company that pushes towards compliance and towards the improvement, in terms of profitability, of these small farmers”
Inicios de Papalotla
“Papalotla comes from Nahuatl, the indigenous Mexican language and what it means is the place of butterflies. So in Nahuatl, “papa” was butterflies and “lotla” was the place, so Papalotla is the place of butterflies. This idea comes out precisely to highlight this metamorphosis in cultural terms, how people evolve, as if they were in the likeness of a butterfly”